Posters for summer – redecorate your home now!

 I already know that I want to spend as much time outside as possible this summer.   After the long time I’ve only spent in my own four walls! That’s why I’m already taking care of a lot of things that I’ve already done before. So also new posters for my apartment. I get tired of it relatively quickly and like to change the motifs more often.  When choosing the pictures , I paid attention to certain things that I present to you in this article.


Review: Black and white decorate with posters


Posters for the summer: I pay attention to this when choosing


What exudes summer and also fits into my interior?


  • Discreet colors of the posters
  • Black and white wooden frames (alternating)
  • Summer lights, light shades
  • Motifs reminiscent of nature and lightness


That’s why I chose a palm tree motif in a subtle pink , which is much lighter than the previous strong pink posters I’ve had on this wall. That had become too colorful for me in the long run! The palm prints also fit well into my apartment, as I also have some palm trees in the living room and the motif is repeated in this way.

partial nude photograph in black and white is also hanging on my wall , which also reflects my sense of aesthetics and embodies a certain lightness.

A grass motif and a pink rock motif have also been added. Both also radiate summer!

I like very calm motifs in my bedroom, which is why I chose a new forest motif for it. That fits in every season!

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